Fifteen percent of the proceeds of the SOLACE box sales return to the agency’s Post Placement Fund (PPF). The funds contribute to to Birth Parent goals surrounding healing and building community. A Birth Parent can request funds to apply towards self-identified goals such as counseling/therapy, Birth Parent retreats, transportation to supportive events, or growing and supporting the relationship between the adoption constellation.
Our most utilized benefit is in supporting Birth Parent retreat coordination costs, registration fees or transportation costs.

Birth Parent retreats are a place where women who made the choice for adoption can share stories, be among other women who understand them, and work with programs to heal from placement grief.

Birth Mom retreats are a place where women come together to connect, heal, and grow. The retreats focus on the birth mother experience ranging from pregnancy to post-placement, and the impact cannot be understated. Many of the women only talk about their adoption relationships at retreats because their world is not safe, or they desire their privacy because of stigmas against women who choose to place children for adoption. Even the most open and healthy adoption relationships can be complicated. Birth moms need space to be seen, heard, and valued as they are and work on being the healthiest person they can be for their children. As the co-leader of a birth mom retreat, I see these special times as if they are for the children placed for adoption, and I know these retreats simply cannot happen without the generosity of agencies and people who are invested in the whole triad.
Birth Mom Collective
Absolute Love donated to support retreat coordination costs.
Anchored In Hope
Covered flight costs of 3 women to attend retreats.
Tied At The Heart
Covered costs of 3 women to travel to retreats.